In-Car Voice Assistant Consumer Adoption Report 2019

Voicebot collaborated with and Voice of the Car Summit in analyzing data from a survey of 1,040 U.S. adults to better understand usage and attitudes toward voice assistant use in the car. The In-Car Voice Assistant Consumer Adoption Report is a 33-page report with 17 charts and diagrams based around a national survey of U.S. adults and an analysis of activity by leading automakers, device makers, and voice assistant platforms. The report answers questions such as:
  • What are the most common use cases for voice assistant use in the car?
  • How do consumers view voice assistants today and do they expect to increase or decrease usage in the future?
  • How do age and income demographics impact in-car voice assistant usage?
  • What voice assistant providers focus on the car and what services do they offer?
  • What devices are bringing voice assistants into the car without the need for infotainment integration?
  • What are leading car companies doing today about voice assistant access in the car?